It’s that time of year again. Seems like we were just here, last year? The older my kids get the faster those 12 months seem to go and we come full circle to the holiday we call New Years. For some, …
Planning: Six Steps to Controlling the Free-For-All
Planning is essential. Implement these six steps and control the free-for-all once and for all. Like Charles Buxton mentions in the quote below. If you want time, you must make it! "You will never …
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Fathers! The role of a father is vital. In today’s society of go, earn and earn some more, it can be easy for dads to feel they only contribute to the family when they provide for their family. While …
Honesty! Do you ever think about how important honesty is to you? Have you noticed yourself taking mental notes about those you work with or friends you have and their ability, to be honest? Are you …
Hurry Up and Relax!
Relax! Hurry up and relax! How often have you thought about relaxing, only to have a dozen reasons why you can’t? I get it, I do the same thing. Our society is always pushing to us to work harder and …
Managing Money
Managing Money! Managing money is an important life skill. How is your money managed? The answer will vary, and there are many great ways to handle your money depending on your situation. However you …