You must follow these 9 “MUST” to stay married! When work, home, and you is NOT in balance, the busyness of life takes precedence. Often times, entrepreneurs and busy executives spend countless hours working, and often times, the home gets neglected. When this happens, It is easy to start taking your partner for granted, succumb to arguments, and stop making an effort to build a strong marriage.
Furthermore, marriage takes communication, patience, and lots of hard work! Did I mention hard work? The longer you are married, the more important these nine items become to STAY MARRIED!
1 Build trust and loyalty!
Say “I Love You” at least once a day, support your spouse and have his/her back.
2 Share goals and dreams!
Brainstorm, give and take, and create action steps.
3 Communication is key!
When you get mad, frustrated, or disappointed, take a breather, cool down, and communicate more with your partner. It’s a two-way street.
4 Have empathy and be a good listener!
Don’t neglect the power of touch. Hugs, holding hands, and snuggling!
5 Admit mistakes and talk through them!
It’s bound to happen, avoid “getting your partner back.”
6 Create new experiences!
Fun date nights away from the children that are full of variety. Be willing to do something your partner likes doing.
7 Make time or forever say you don’t have time!
Running a household and raising children takes two. Make sure both spouses put in the effort to help.
8 Ask for what you want and do not be afraid to ask for outside help!
For example, hiring a cleaning lady usually, equals one less restaurant visit a week. If both spouses work outside the home, having someone assist with at least the heavy cleaning takes a lot of pressure off keeping up with home chores. Also, if communication is an issue. Don’t hesitate to seek third party help with communication? Seek out a marriage counselor.
9 Weather the storms!
Marriage requires compassion, acceptance, and forgiveness. Don’t be so quick to walk away. Grass is usually not any greener on the other side!
Author, Trainer, Life Organizer®
Melinda Smith, CPO® organizes and executes action plans, training, and consulting. Great referrals are business owners, executives, and companies looking for sustainable change. Above all, she can help create a more productive work, a happy home, and a prosperous you.
Especially relevant is the fact that Melinda has worked with companies and individuals for over 20 years. Conducting workshops across the East Coast, they include over 60 cities in 19 states. Equally important focus topics include Strategic Thinking, Teambuilding, and Organization. As well as Balance Strategies, Stress Management, and Embracing Change.
After all, Melinda was one of the first 200 in the nation to achieve a Certified Professional Organizer status. In addition, she is also a graduate of the Western School of Feng Shui (pronounced feng shway).
Melinda has owned Balance & Harmony 360², Inc., since 2003. She is also the author of The Complete Guide for Balance & Harmony OWL Kit. In addition, this kit consists of a book, workbook, and F.O.C.U.S. Journal as well as five products to help organize Work, Home, and You.
Finally, if you are not convinced we can help you, please check more about our company with the links below.
Melinda’s training, books, consulting, advising, and speaking options, as well as where to purchase, visit:
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