The Balance Box comes complete with the box to decorate, as well as specific guidance. It is similar to a vision board with a twist. Find your work-life balance here. The instructions and activities include thought-provoking questions and activities to get you to think about what a balanced life would look like for you.
Design Your Life Today
This Balance Box activity is a powerful exercise created to take you outside your comfort zone and provide a visual energizer to move you through the transformation process. It is a way to “begin with the end in mind.”
More than a Vision Board
Vision boards are great. However, most individuals spend time creating one without implementing a plan to make it happen. Vision boards also tend to focus on the external environment and not on work-life balance. Which means they fail to acknowledge internal thoughts and behaviors that need to change. Utilizing the Balance & Harmony products, we start at the beginning with creating a vision of where you want to be with the Balance Box Kit and then move you through the Transformation Process to develop a plan to make it happen.
How We Can Help
Particularly, the Balance Box Kit will add clarity to work, home, and the individual by addressing both external and internal dreams and obstacles. It allows you to step back and imagine a balanced life. If you don’t address the barriers and work through them, it makes the process a lot harder.
Work-life balance is different for each person. The first goal is to open the mind of possibilities, get clear on what that balance looks like, and where you want to be a year from today. What images and words help bring the dream to life? Purchase this Balance Box now to turn your dream into a reality.
A Balance Box; Vision Board with a Twist can show you that abundant work-life balance life is about so much more than money. All too often, you say, “When I have more time or money, I’ll do _______ Or help _________.” Focus on what you have control of today and start the PLAN.
You can purchase the complete OWL kit here or just the Balance Box kit here by itself.
Balance Work, Home, You! Check out other products.
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