How hard is it to be “in the moment?” Multi-tasking is what I know how to do! I can make school lunches while eating my food, text a friend, and figure out an activity for a workshop I am teaching. It is certainly a badge (made up one) that I have awarded myself, but there is another symbol I want to have too. The one of being in the present, to be “in the moment.”
The ability to multi-task is an important trait, especially for entrepreneurs, but not THE most important. Often you are so busy conducting business; you forget to look your loved ones in the eye when they are talking to you. Think for a moment how annoying it is to be talking to someone who is on their phone. It’s maddening! You wonder why you are wasting your time trying to engage this person. It’s rude! If we walked away, would they notice?
Who is the rude one?
Do your children talk to the tops of your head more than your eyes because you are looking at your phones? Sometimes I wonder how their little souls feel when they want to ask or tell me something and I say, “Hang on, let me send this email, first.”
As an entrepreneur myself, I know how much of a struggle this is every day. You don’t want to lose a potential client because you didn’t respond back quick enough.
It’s a new generational concept to have parents so engaged in technology 24/7. Most of us did not grow up this way, fighting for attention from our parent’s devices. We need to be cautious of the effects it has on our children. I’ve learned over the year’s that sometimes, you just have to create better work and home boundaries and don’t be afraid to shut off your devices.
Those around you need your best attention. Your children grow up too fast. Before you know it, they become teenagers and don’t want to spend as much time with you.
I realize this isn’t always a reality. There are times you must attend to a text or email that is time sensitive. The reality also is that only a select few responses are needed asap.
Here are some tips on how to be “in the moment”:
Designate a shut-off point when you stop focusing on email/text and designate uninterrupted family time. The kids will know not to interrupt you, and you can finish faster without stopping to answer 3000 questions or break up a fight (I can’t promise the fight thing).
Make a conscious effort to listen with intention to what your children are saying by looking them directly in the eye. This gesture may mean physically putting the phone on silent or place it in another room.
Make Time
When kids get home from school, let friends, work, etc. know that this is your time with your children and a response from you must wait until after kids are put to bed or on to another activity. Put phones away during the eating time, whether in the house or restaurant.
Fun Time
When you take the kids to the park, be present at that moment. Leave the phone in the car and be “AT” the park. Facebook friends don’t need a picture of your kid coming down a slide as much as your child needs to see you smiling at them and catching them as they come down.
Putting the effort in your family today will be a massive investment in the future. Be intentional with your interactions through eye contact, shared laughter, shared tears and substantial boosts of love (hugs, kisses, hand holding). The reality is that when there is a screen involved, we are not engaged. There will never be regret when we choose to be “in the moment.”
Learn more about how to balance WORK, HOME, and YOU with the Balance & Harmony topics and links below!
About Balance & Harmony 360², Inc.
Owned and operated by Melinda Smith, CPO®, we offer Business Training & Consulting with a Twist! Our sweet spot is working with Entrepreneur’s and their companies to create a productive work environment, happy home, and prosperous you! Our passion is listening to clients goals, thinking through solutions and coming up with creative 360² action plans that address work, home, and you! We also provide dynamic action oriented training to get your team motivated. Learn to Love Going to Work Again! Increase Time with Your Family! Get Things Done! Our process is simple and geared toward the professional. You CAN get your LIFE back in BALANCE!
Author, Trainer, Life Organizer®
Melinda Smith, CPO® organizes and executes action plans, training, and consulting. Great referrals are business owners, executives, and companies looking for sustainable change. Above all, she can help create a more productive work, a happy home, and a prosperous you.
Particularly relevant is the fact that Melinda has worked with companies and individuals for over 20 years. Conducting workshops across the East Coast, they include over 60 cities in 19 states. Equally important focus topics include Strategic Thinking, Teambuilding, and Organization. As well as Balance Strategies, Stress Management, and Embracing Change.
After all, Melinda was one of the first 200 in the nation to achieve a Certified Professional Organizer status. Also, she is also a graduate of the Western School of Feng Shui (pronounced feng shway).
Melinda has owned Balance & Harmony 360², Inc., since 2003. She is also the author of The Complete Guide for Balance & Harmony OWL Kit. Also, this kit consists of a book, workbook, and F.O.C.U.S. Journal as well as five products to help organize Work, Home, and You.
You do not want to miss Melinda’s training, books, consulting, advising, and speaking options, as well as where to purchase, visit:
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