Managing Money! Managing money is an important life skill. How is your money managed? The answer will vary, and there are many great ways to handle your money depending on your situation. However you …
Conquer the Mess; 5 Steps to Tidy and Conquering that Mess!
Tired of a messy house? Tired of not having the time to clean the messy house? We’ve all been there at one point or that basically sums up life for some. Here are 5 easy and quick things you can do …
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Cutting Employee Training; It’s like Throwing out the Baby with the Bath Water
Cutting Employee Training; It's Like Throwing Out the Baby with the Bath Water Cutting employee training! When the going gets tough, companies of all shapes and sizes look to “tighten their belts” to …
Sofa Sectional; Crucial to Measure Furniture and the Room for a Perfect Fit
Sofa Sectional Purchase A sectional will NOT fit in every family room. I’m sorry. These may be very hard words for some people to hear but they need to be said. In fact, sometimes the “sets” of …
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Simplify Home; Time to Take Control of Your Home & Declutter!
SIMPLIFY HOME BY DECLUTTERING! Simplify home! I know I can’t be alone here when it’s the start of a new year with the desire to simplify home, can I? From about September to December, my house, …
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Be Nice!
Be Nice! Be Nice! We have heard that repeatedly as kids and share this phrase with our own kids. Although I know to “be nice”, when I read the following quote, the idea of being nice took on a new …