Teachable in the dictionary means to learn by example or experience. Being a teachable person is one who is willing to learn and desires to be better. A teachable person realizes there is probably a …
Dining Room; Be creative with your Decor to reflect your Family!
Dining Room - Down Home Friday - BALANCE HOME BLOG One of the biggest selling features in our current home was the “morning room.” This room is connected to the kitchen and is also known as the …
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Organize Clutter and Give that Space a Purpose; How to Make your Home Serve You!
Organize Clutter You know you have that “closet”. We all have at one time. I call these closets, Narnia closets. Every time you open the door, you find everything you aren’t looking for. It’s the …
Easily Offended; Do Yourself a Favor & Move On!
Easily Offended Easily Offended? Move On! It is time to avoid people who are pessimistic, ridicule you, or are easily offended. It's time to stop being offended and move on! When it comes to working …
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If you are an entrepreneur or business executive that keeps working more and more hours, it’s time to realize that creativity equals productivity! Being playful, creative, and fun is what keeps us …
Are you Listening? How to Make the Most of your Conversations!
Are you Listening? Most of us can pinpoint conversations we’ve had in our lives that stand out among the rest. We remember the location, the person, the topic, the feeling. The reason being is that …
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