Relax! Hurry up and relax! How often have you thought about relaxing, only to have a dozen reasons why you can’t? I get it, I do the same thing. Our society is always pushing to us to work harder and …
Conquer the Mess; 5 Steps to Tidy and Conquering that Mess!
Tired of a messy house? Tired of not having the time to clean the messy house? We’ve all been there at one point or that basically sums up life for some. Here are 5 easy and quick things you can do …
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Simplify Home; Time to Take Control of Your Home & Declutter!
SIMPLIFY HOME BY DECLUTTERING! Simplify home! I know I can’t be alone here when it’s the start of a new year with the desire to simplify home, can I? From about September to December, my house, …
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Making Your House Feel Balanced!
Making Your House Feel Balanced I recently wrote a post about color balance in a room. Now, I want to talk about overall balance in a room. This concept can be a tricky one to master but has …
Entrepreneur Life; Schedule a Time to have Fun Before it’s Too Late!
Entrepreneur Life! How would you rate your entrepreneur life right now? Do you need to schedule a time to have fun! I recently heard someone say that while doing dishes one night, his daughter asked …
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Find Time to Think
Finding time to think is probably on the back burner for most of us. Between text message alerts, emails, news updates, social media, ear buds, Bluetooth, etc., our time for peace and quiet could …