Relax! Hurry up and relax! How often have you thought about relaxing, only to have a dozen reasons why you can’t? I get it, I do the same thing. Our society is always pushing to us to work harder and …
Transformation Tuesday: Understanding Life’s Frantic Chaos
Specific Toy Storage; Get your Sanity and Closets Back
Specific Toy Storage Specific toy storage. If that's a new phrase to you, keep reading! I’m want to challenge you to do something daring. Open your kid's closet! Do you see evidence of their version …
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Finding Service Opportunities is a Vital Part of Balancing YOU!
Finding Service Opportunities! “As we lose ourselves in the service of others, we discover our own lives and our own happiness” (Dieter F. Uchtdorf). Think of a time that you have been on the …
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